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February 07, 2008

Feeling Great in 2008...

Greetings all! My apologies for the long lapse in entries, but due to a routing issue with my ISP, I cannot access my web server from my apartment! But I have overcome that obstacle and found some time in the wee hours of this fine Thursday morning to update my photos on Wiseguy Images. Please take a look if you'd like to see what I've been working on so far this year.

In other news, I'm still working hard at In-N-Out and here at Poly. The weeks seem so hectic that this quarter is just flying by. Last weekend, though, I had a break in the action so I could drive down to Corona and surprise everyone for Grandma and Mary's birthdays. It went over well i think. Other than that its been a blur of photographs, painting, and project after project. And the grind continues.

Until next time, when I might have more to write about, this has been Jimbo from SLO.