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Hello from SLO

Hi everyone! This is Jimbo sayin' "what's up?". I'm having a blast here on campus in what is called WOW - Week Of Welcome. I'm in a group of ten other students with two upperclass leaders, and we participate in dozens of activities throughout the week. It's been hectic, tiring, and a little hot - but a fun time no matter what. Although I miss all of you, I'm confident and enthusiastic about the journey I'm embarking on. I look forward to many good years here at Cal Poly, and hope to gain some life-long friends and memories along the way.
I don't yet know how to upload pics, but once I do you'll see my room and possibly some of the people I've been hanging with these past few days.


I think it is really great that you have all these activities going on so that you get to mix it up with your compatriots! All the SLO grads that I know are great people so you're in with a good crowd!...gma

I'm glad you're having a good time. I've finally gotten used to the fact that you're way up there, but I'll be back on October 15-16 for Homecoming. Please schedule some time for your 'ol mom. Love you!

Hey Jimmy! I miss you! Hope you continue to have a blast. Hope to see you soon and KIT.

Yo Yo Yo my bro. whats up big man? whats it like out in the big 'ol world? are you like totally freakin out? well, i miss you and i'm sorry that i can't come up for homecoming. so i guess i'll see you around thanksgiving right? wow, thats weird. ur too far away. well, i gotta go do LA and Calc. ugh. so peace out! love you!

Hey Jimbo!

Glad your having a blast during your orientation week at SLO. Everyone around here already misses you a lot. Your adventure is just beginning, and I am glad you are already enjoying it. Take care and stay in touch when you can.


hey hunny... glad to hear youre having a blast.. good luck on everything .. hope to hear about your grand-ol times up there!