Well it's Monday, and that meant getting up for class. *ugh* It's actually harder to wake up for a class when it doesn't start until 11am. It is a boring lecture, but the IME lab, which falls right after the lecture at 12, is awesome. IME is a design and manufacturing class, with focus on machining and the use of both conventional drafting and CAD software (Pro Engineer Wildfire 2.0). We've spent the past two weeks learning basic CAD functions, reviewing drafting, and machining parts on a lathe in the machine shop. This is my kind of class. I finished my part today in lab, and it came out pretty close to the desired result. I like it 'cause it's shiny. Very sparkly.
My first Cal Poly project. It was created using turning and facing - the two basic lathe functions. Pretty good for a first year eh?

After lab I scurried to calculus, another boring class, and then home. IT's LAUNDRY DAY!! WOO HOOO!!!! Not really woo hoo, but definitely important. I had built up quite a stash. Well I get down to the laundry room and there's only one machine open, so I fit as much as possible in it and went to play pool. I go back when its done, and the same guy had the other three machines still. and now none of the dryers were open. One of the four is Out of Order so I had to wait again. When I finally got the dryer I had to put two loads of wash, small ones mind you, in the dryer to budget time. Since I had split my darks it should have been OK. But after 60 mins of dryer cycle, the darn things were damp! Well I had stuff to do, so I just put in my whites, brought the wet stuff up to my room, and well, I'll let the picture do the talking.

Lets just say I'm not supposed to do this 'cause it's a fire hazard. You'll find this funny later.
So I'm "done" with my laundry and hungry as heck, so I go downstairs to see whose game for some grub. I see firemen and university police gathering in the lobby, setting up a video camera, and talking to all the RA's in hushed voices. It turns out they were doing fire drills, and video taping the reactions of people to show us what we did wrong. Well I was hungry, so this guy Kevin and I hightailed it outta there and got some pizza, followed by some billiards at the UU.
Then I went and played some Ulitmate with the usual crowd and some new guys, and we went to the cafe afterwards for some drinks and late-night snackage. Following the food and some discussion, I decided to call it a night, so I can get up for class in the morning. I came back to my room, put away what laundry is dry ( the whites, none of the darks were dry yet) and called up the dadio since he rang me up while I was playing pool.

Now here's where it gets good.
We're about done talkin', and all of the sudden this screaming, piercing, shrill tone just pops out of nowhere. Adam had already retired - he was awake instantly. I covered my ears in agony and tried to figure out what the *bleep* was goin' on. My eyes came to rest on the smoke detector - how could something so small be so *bleep*ing loud!!??! We climbed on the desks and chairs trying to shut it off, to no avail. I went down the hall and banged on the RA's door, with the same results. We squirmed in our skins for minutes while this banshee roared in our room. Then suddenly, silence..........it was over.
We don't know what set it off, but it scared the *bleep* out of both of us. I was mostly worried that somebody would come into the room and see my clothes hanging across the only escape route and fine me for breaking the fire code. So I had torn down the line and all the shirts you saw above in the midst of all the mayhem. What a mess.
What kills me is that none of the hall officials came to investigate, and only two guys came out into the hall to see what the noise was.
Anyway. This was far from your ordinary day in SLO. Hope your day went a little smoother than mine.
By the way, GO ANGELS!!! I saw Bryan and Auntie on the cover of the OCR* - excellent. I'm glad they get another shot at the title after last year. They're gonna whoop Boston in three. Just you watch. Dodgers will lose in three, as will the Twins (boo hoo). Angels - Yanks for the series. Wait and see.
*ask my dad if you want the pic emailed to you.
Catch you on the flip side.
Jimbo from SLO