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Another Sweet Surfin' Adventure

Well, today we did the Pismo trip again, with everyone except Shawn. The waves were pretty gnarly: 4-7 ft with a few overheads. It was kickin' up some major sets, and we were thrashing and getting mangled all over.

Anyway, I got some requests to see what I look like in a wetsuit, so here's me and the gang struttin' our stuff for the people of Pismo.





Hope you enjoyed this blurb. Until next time, this is Jimbo in SLO saying

"Surf's up dudes!"


I'm sure there's a calendar picture there somewhere! Lookin' good! love you, gma

Hi Jim - well this proves you are well supplied with ancestors!!!

I am sooooo hot Yea. What I do? What i do?

maaaddd lucky yo it was 1 degree last night, feeling like -11. san luis obispo!! lol take care~

All the girls must love these pics. Looks like lots of fun times. Love, from Aunt Renee

Looking forward to seeing you! Gonna bring your surfin' stuff? I'd love to watch you go! Mom