Hello again faithful readers.
It has been a month or so since I've posted here, mostly because of the normal hustle and bustle of Cal Poly life. I've been sick for a couple of weeks now, and I'm finally getting over it and getting back into the swing of things. But there's a lot to tell.
We've had so much rain here it's been impossible to go surfing - either the water is filthy or there's wind that chops all the waves up. So that's been a bummer - not that I could have gone anyway.
But the rain does have an upside - the spring here in SLO promises to be a bright and sunny adventure through green pastures and rolling green hills.
Plus we have days like this to look forward to. Mind you these were taken on a perfect day before the rain hit - it was perfect for sponging (bodyboarding) at Pismo that day. There was actually an amateur contest for bodyboarding going on the next weekend after this. I did not partake (those guys can rip).

You'll notice if you look cloesly that there is a greenish longboard on the ground behind Jeremy in this pic. I rented that board to learn on that weekend, and since Ross had brought his car down, we packed four of use in there with the two longboards (mine/Ross's) on top and the shorties (Jeremy/Greg) and their boards on the inside. I was terrible on that thing! I couldn't stand up, but I have made an oath to learn by this summer so i can tear up the beaches of SoCal.
Anyway, planning and preparations have begun for our next year at Poly. We applied for on-campus apartments, Cerro Vista, which is a pretty nice setup. You can check out the website to see what its like: Cerro Vista.
Alex, Greg, Ross and I all applied to be roommates there, so hopefully we win the lottery - the selection process for the 201 apartments is a lottery - and get to chill like gangsta's next year with a kitchen and our own rooms.
Oh yeah, one more thing.
I'm gonna be volunteering as security for an event called Wildflower Triathalon, put on by TriCal Inc. and sponsored by Jamba Juice and others. I've joined a group of volunteers who make up committee and subcommittee teams to make the event happen - it's very complex. To learn about the event, got here: Wildflower.
I'm actually in charge of a group of volunteers who will join the program for the event weekend, so its agreat opportunity to get some experience in leadership and management. I was told about this and brought in by a fellow member of the CP Billiards Club, Sam Chew. He's been doing this for a number of years and recommended we give it a try. So Alex, Jeremy, and myself are joining the Volunteer Security Committee and we get to work the event. Should be fun. Take a look at the site to get some more info.
Anyway thats the 411 here in SLO. Don't be afraid to drop a line - I like hearing about all you do as well!!!
Jimbo in SLO