Happenings of late...
Hello, hello.
I've decided to shut up for once and just post some photos of the family and friends from the past weeks. These are my favorites, and I have hundreds more that didn't make the cut, but you might like. Let me know if you would like a print of anything you see here, and I'll look into how I can get it to you. Hope you enjoy what I'm seeing Through The Viewfinder.
Evan learns the mysteries of shiny glass bottles from his Great Grandpa.
Hilly shows off her sweet moves.
Brad gets it right in the kisser. Boo ya!
Future heartbreaker of the family. For now he's "the little dude."
The proud mom and the little dude.
Bryan battles the tickle squad. And loses.
Bryan and Jamie chill on the comfy couch.
Ladies and gentlemen, the family diva.
Stephen, Jenny and Carlo try to fit in frame together at IceTown.
Stephen and Jenna are scary, Carlo is in Tokyo, and Jenny is . . . asleep?
These are really "fun" pix, especially the wild Hilly and the beautiful Evan. Keep it up...gma
Posted by: Joan | April 13, 2006 02:34 PM