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Life goes on....

Wow. It's been a while since I wrote or posted here. I know not too many people read this, so I'm not too worried about letting my audience down. I think I do this for me more than anyone else. I've decided that I'm just gonna try and write my thoughts, possibly include pictures, from now on. Soon I'll have a new page on wiseguyimages.com exculsively for photos. But I've been saying that for months.

Anyhow, I just thought I needed to record some thoughts here, so I can get them out of my head for a while. I've been slightly depressed, mostly just feeling melancholy on and off for the whole summer. Aside from the amazing time I spent in Minnesota with my family, it's been one hazy blur of work and self-loathing. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not some pity case looking for a pat on the shoulder and a hug. I just have a few decisions that I cant seem to make easily, which I think is quite normal.

Mostly I'm chasing my tail about what I want to devote the next decade of two of my life too. Some people are so clear-cut in their desire that they know right away, and that's good for them. I have so many ideas bouncing around in my head it makes me numb sometimes. I spend entire days doing nothing because I cant stop thinking about tomorrow. Its becoming a problem for me. But I'm climbing out of my rut. I've started taking better care of myself, eating better, sleeping more normally, by comparison, than I have in a while. But its a slow trek out of this hole.

And I still have yet to decide what I want. I think this is one of my personality flaws that I somehow inherited genetically: I cant just do it. I have to examine every possible outcome, every variable, before even taking a first step down the path. And I hate that about myself. I know what I like to do, I know what I dont, and I can see so many brightly lit streets down which to walk. Art school, photography, journalism, design - these all somehow make so much sense. Why cant I choose? It's not a question of money (sometimes), its just that I cant say with confidence "This is what I want to do."

But perhaps thats a good thing. I already stared down a road much like this and crashed along the way. Now I've come to another crossroads, one with more choices. Why cant I take the leap I did before. I think maybe I'm afriad of failing again, of somehow not turning out the way I want to. But I know, even as I think these thoughts, that they are ludicrous. Why would I want to plan out everything? That would mean no bad surprises, but it would also mean no good ones. Maybe I should just take a leap, and see where I land.


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yeah bro, i know how it feels, the whole not knowing what you want to do. thats why i'm taking a bunch of different classes right now, and not declaring a major. just get out there and explore, try everything, and see what comes easiest, or what you enjoy the most. do some research before you decide. its not forming a set plan, there can still be suprises. i guess, its just a more educated guess. thats how i see it. you're in a good place where you can take the time to play around and at least get a vague idea of which path to start down. maybe two paths run parallel. who knows. i'm in a place like that too. which is why i'm happy. just have fun bro. do what you want to do. don't be afraid to leap. life is like a trampoline. you have to fall to bounce back up again! (yeah, i just thought that up right now). ok, my long long long comment is done. goodnight.

Don't worry. you have enough of your father in you so you won't flounder your whole life like me. I've never been afraid to try things, but quite often I fall quite hard and have to struggle to get back. I loved the lunch we had the other day, let's not make it so long in between meetings/calls. With all the experiences I've had, maybe I can be of some help. Don't be afraid to ask for help. I'm here for you. I love you! Mom

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